Insparken 2024

For Fadders

Information about being a Fadder

We are happy that you are interested in being a Fadder and welcoming our new Rookies during this years Inspark of 2024!

Below we have gathered some info below that we hope you will find useful when teaming up with your friends for your future fadder group or other useful information.


  • For fadders the Inspark will start on the 26th of August with the Fadder lecture and the traditional Fadderfest. Our rookies will arrive on the 28th of August and we will end our Inspark to Finsittningen on the 12th of October.

  • The Fadder package cost will be 250 SEK.

  • No, unfortunately it is not possible to request Rookies.

    Rookies will be randomly assigned to groups.

  • As a Fadder, it is your job as a group to welcome the new Rookies and make sure they get a great start here in Umeå and as students.

    A fadder is supposed to be supportive, caring and including.

    During the Inspark, it is a Fadders responsibility to make sure no one is acting in a harassing, discriminating or threatening way.

    Alcohol pressure performed by Fadders are completely forbidden.

    There will also be a sober Fadder during each evening during the inspark, this Fadder must be sober throughout the evening, it does not have to be the same person every evening, there will schedule for each group that specifies who is sober every evening. This is more clearly explained in Umeå Student Union's policies which you can find HERE.

    As a Fadder, you are also obliged to work a so-called passion pass (eldsjälspass) so that the Inspark can be carried out. If you do not work your passion pass, you may no longer participate during the Inspark as you have not fulfilled your requirements for being a Fadder.

    We will assign you shifts that you will work.

    You are welcome to swap shifts with each other or others as long as you let us know. The majority will work the nightclub at the pub and we therefore recommend that you work a shift before that to make it easier for you and the other Fadders that you will work with.

    As a super Fadder, you have the same role as a regular Fadder and are the main contact between your fadder group and the generals. It is the super fadder’s job to make sure that the rookies are properly informed and that the group stays together. The supervisor is also responsible for ensuring that all rookies have somewhere to sleep during the first few days.

    The super Fadder will attend a super Fadder lecture before the traditional Fadder lecture that everyone attends.

  • The application to be a Fadder for 2024 is out for two weeks, during 19th of April to 3rd of May.

  • In short: 7-13 Fadders, where at least 2 are Female/Male.

    In detail: The standard is no less than 7 and no more than 13 people in each Fadder group. There also have to be at least two Female/Men in each Fadder group.

    We well also consider Fadder applications from people that want to participate but haven’t managed to gather a full Fadder group. As a result, some Fadder groups might end up being bigger than 13 in the end.

  • Yes! We have two policies that can be important to read through and follow during the inspark, both for fadders and rookies:

    Insparken Policy regulates the association's approach to the Introduction festivities. The purpose of the policy is to inform members about the rules and responsibilities that come with Insparken, as well as to ensure a safe and welcoming experience for the Rookies.

    The Alcohol Policy outlines the association's approach to alcohol and alcohol consumption during events, Insparken, and at E-Puben. The purpose of the policy is to encourage sustainable and healthy alcohol consumption, as well as to be inclusive to all, regardless of whether they choose to drink alcohol or not.

If you have additional questions, send an email to:

The theme reveal video for Insparken 2024!

Are you ready for an adventure this inspark?


Meet the generals for 2024

Felicia Linno
Head General

Aylar Cheshmmishi
Sponsorship General

Zacharias Pettersson
Event General

Anni Loukasmäki
Media General

Andreas Hensdal
Logistics General